Monday, April 28, 2014

Sales experience: Simple ways to increase online sales

These days, more people are buying online. While the previous decade has stigmatized online purchases with the many instances of identity theft, online shopping has had a remarkable, non-nefarious rebirth. In fact, predictions all over the world are seeing nothing but a brighter future for online shopping, with an added emphasis on today’s vast advances in the field of mobile technology.

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That said, it is more important than ever to ride this growing e-commerce wave, either by setting up an online component to your business, or by improving your present online portal to make it more attractive to customers and more competitive against other businesses with similar products and services.

Stumped how? Here are a few simple, yet overwhelmingly effective ways to get the ball e-rolling:

Get only what you pay for – These days, widgets, feeds, and trackers of every sort are available for your online business for free. However, these free services can get pretty clunky at times, which may reduce traffic and engagement at your business during critical periods. The following are a few things you may think twice about scrimping on: graphic design, hosting, and project management.

Make sure you are found – One acronym is all you need to understand: SEO. With the right number of tags and keywords scattered all over your business site, traffic will arrive organically—that is, without all the forced methods some websites use nowadays, just to create fake traffic (misleading backlinks, hidden code, pop-ups, etc.).

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Go mobile, too – This 2014, mobile use is predicted to cover around a fourth of total Internet usage. Take advantage of this by having a website that is friendly to mobile surfers as well.
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Securus Payments is a trusted provider of payment systems among businesses. Visit this page for more information about online business optimization.


  1. going mobile means a lot, lots of people use them.

  2. Some shoppers prefer simple and minimalist type websites :)

  3. This really gives me an idea now :) thanks!
