Monday, July 29, 2013

REPOST: What would grandma do? Getting customer service right

The dehumanizing treatment that some customers experience from business establishments is very upsetting. According to Jesse Lipson of, businesses would do well to treat their customers more like family.
Why do so many businesses treat customers like numbers, or, worse, inconveniences?

Maybe the problem starts when we think of customers using the wrong metaphors.

The software company I founded is all about raising the bar for service, so I’ve become a pretty close observer of customer service in my daily life. One thing I’ve noticed is that most businesses treat customers like a counterparty to a business transaction. It’s true; customers are counterparties to transactions. But in the same way that it would feel inappropriate to tip my mother for cooking a great meal on Thanksgiving, we’re missing something very important if we treat each customer interaction as if we’re fulfilling a business contract.

About five years ago I read a great book called Exceptional Service, Exceptional Profit: The Secrets of Building a Five-Star Customer Service Organization. The book outlines several characteristics of excellent customer service: producing a perfect product, interacting with customers in a caring way, delivering on your promise in a timely manner, and effectively solving customer problems.

Two of those characteristics really resonated with me; I’m going to explore the concept of caring for customers here and discuss what it means to solve customer problems in next week’s post.

When describing how you should treat customers, the authors of Exceptional Service, Exceptional Profits call to mind the archetypal Italian grandmother. If her grandson runs too fast and trips and skins his knee, she doesn’t chide him for running too fast. She scoops him up, comforts him, and makes him a fabulous dinner to help him forget his woes. “You poor baby!” she’d say in a crooning tone. “How can grandma make it better?”

So what if your customer service was modeled after grandma?

Your grandmother never blames you— even when it’s your fault. When a customer comes to you with a problem, don’t behave in a way that shows her you think she caused the problem herself. Your first response should always be: “I’m so sorry. I can see why you are frustrated! I would be, too.”

It’s simple: No matter what the call, no matter what the problem, your job is to show empathy. Make sure the customer knows you see this is your problem to solve. When you respond this way — sincerely and profusely — you have a good shot at disarming the customer and reducing frustration right off the bat.

When it comes to empathizing, authenticity matters. Exceptional Service notes the importance of hiring people for customer support positions who exude genuine personal warmth and who have the innate ability to show empathy. When you apologize to a customer, it’s got to be genuine. For some people, this comes easily; they’re the ones you want dealing with your customers.

Your grandmother knows what’s bugging you before you do. When you’re down, your grandma knows it. And she knows how to make it better. A cup of tea, a chat, a little walk, a kind word. How much better would your company be at customer service if you could train your team to read your customers’ moods, anticipate their needs, and provide those extra touches that let them know you care?

A colleague of mine went into a fast-food restaurant recently, with her two kids and their two friends in tow. They were in line for less than 30 seconds when the manager approached, welcomed them to the shop, handed the kids toys and hats, and helped my friend get the kids’ orders before taking the kids to a table so she could pay in peace. The manager then delivered the food personally, and brought over extra napkins and condiments. My colleague was floored, and thankful enough to tell her friends about it.

That last part is key — good customer service turns into a story worth repeating, otherwise known as free marketing. One customer’s good — or bad — experience can be tweeted to hundreds of friends in an instant.

So when you are providing customer service, ask yourself a simple question: What would Grandma do? If you treat your customers like family, they’ll return the favor with loyalty.
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