Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Employment and retail sales records bode well

Suffice it to say that the employment and retail sales records are on a sudden cloud nine since the large decrease in number of people applying for unemployment is continuously rising to 0.6 percent. This percentage in numbers is equivalent to 334,000 declines in application for such benefits, a good sign that many economists consider a powerful turn for the American economy.

Image source: nytimes.com
This is balanced by the fact that employment is going steady and sturdy, as employers have added 175,000 jobs in May, jobs that match the monthly average for 2012. This numbers are a result of the government’s continuous effort to not just patch up the past economic downturn’s aftermath with stopgap solutions but to create solid and long-term programs to create jobs with quality and longevity—or those that match the job profiles of the Americans.

Image source: theatlantic.com
Now that employment is strong, many Americans are gradually going back to a behavior of rewarding themselves through buying things from their newly obtained salary, as spending extra dime for such then-considered trivial and luxurious because of unemployment is now attainable. In a separate report, the Commerce Department said that the 0.6 percent increase last month in retail sales has surprisingly let the consumers become more resilient despite higher taxes, a thing that could drive faster growth in the last quarter of 2013.

Image source: socialistpart.net
But experts also say that any trend could lost its track if not kept well, hence the government should uphold whatever that it is doing now yet must not stop in creating consumer and industry-balanced programs.

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