Monday, May 27, 2013

eBay: At the shores of a boom

2015 may be a golden year for online buying site eBay, as the company predicts racking up 200 million users and having a sales growth of nearly 50 percent by then. This news serves well to downplay growing edginess about the security of online shopping. Apparently, this boom will be driving merchant and buyer welfare up on the priority list for innovation, as confidence on the platform grows.
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Previously threatened by a drift to Internet wasteland, eBay was, in reality, neither short of appeal nor security. A hulking Amazon came away with a huge portion of its market share, and eBay, inert at the speed of consumer caprice, slept through competition for a few moments. However, it’s safe to say that it’s finding its feet and direction, and one of the best ways it’s doing so is in improving payment options to assuage hesitant newcomers.
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eBay has largely left it to buyers to choose the most convenient payment method. PayPal has been its weapon against the mostly credit card-dependent Amazon, a brisk channel that credits transactions to sellers immediately while doing away with shaky credit card information sharing. It also receives props for breaking down the advantages of the method on its website, something that Amazon users could only psychically grasp from the get-go.

At the turn of 2013, eBay’s payment services have been little recognized as sales propellers. The January holiday binge saw to the demand for its site offerings, but it was ultimately eBay’s mobile workarounds of PayPal that renewed its pioneering image. Mobile devices have introduced new slips in online transactions, and the company readily invested to plug loopholes and create a user-friendly environment for buying through smartphones and tablets. The results brought the company back to the consciousness of Wall Street and turned profit tables, frittering away any sense of impending doom.
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The commonness of online shopping presupposes a schooling on various payment methods that will allay the fears of buyers. Securus Payments has a huge hand in providing equipment and technologies for merchants seeking to break into the worlds of eBay and Amazon. Learn more about various payment methods for online transactions here.